26 W IRELESS LAN SWITCH AND CONTROLLER MSS VERSION 3.0 RELEASE NOTESDeleting a user group or MAC user group doesnot delete membership from its members.(14833)If you type the clear usergroup or clear mac-user-group command to delete a user group or MAC usergroup, the display aaa command shows that theuser group is gone. However, the user profiles for theusers still list them as members of the deleted groups.Use the clear user group and clear mac-user groupcommands in addition to the clear usergroup andclear mac-usergroup commands to explicitly removeindividual users or MAC users from a group.Incorrect zero value for Acct-Authentic appearsin accounting statistics. (14851)In the output of the display accounting statisticscommand, the Acct-Authentic field in accountingrecords always displays 0 (zero) to indicate the loca-tion where a user was authenticated for the session.The correct value is 1 (one) if RADIUS performedauthentication or 2 if authentication took place in thelocal WX database.Ignore the Acct-Authentic value in display account-ing statistics output.The display radius command is not documentedand has no output. (18233)Web AAA IssuesWeb AAA users receive page not found error ifRADIUS is the authentication method. (17752)If you use a RADIUS server group as the authentica-tion method for Web AAA users, the user receives apage not found error in their browser after enteringtheir username and password. This issue does notaffect local authentication.The message can safely be ignored. Web AAA is com-pleted and the user is placed on the proper VLAN inspite of the error message displayed on the browser.Open a new browser window about 20 seconds afterentering the username and password. Alternatively,use local authentication.Web AAA is not supported for wiredauthentication clients. (17934)Clients receive page not found error if RADIUS isused for Web AAA authentication. (17752)Normally, when a client logs in using a Web AAApage, the WX switch should display a messageinforming the client that they will be redirectedshortly. This works as expected when the local data-base is used to authenticate the Web AAA client.However, if RADIUS is used, the client instead receivesa page not found error in the browser.Wait for 20 seconds for the login to complete, thenclose and reopen the browser.