Known Problems 23Web Manager—access using Netscape or MozillaSSL can stop working. (15675)If you use Netscape or Mozilla to access Web Man-ager, the connection can stop working. Generally, thisoccurs only after many days of use. When this occurs,the WX generates TCP_SSL log messages. This issuedoes not occur with Internet Explorer.Create a new profile for Netscape by runningnetscape -ProfileManager.Web Manager does not display more than 32service profiles. (18374)Cannot configure RF Auto-Tuning using WebManager. (17737)Web Manager allows configuration of duplicateSSID names in the same service profile. (18375)IP Services IssuesARP aging timer cannot be reset to its default byclearing the timer. (12611)You cannot reset the ARP aging timer to its defaultsetting by clearing the timer setting.You can set the ARP aging timer to the default valueof 1200 seconds with the following command: setarp agingtime 1200.Logging in to SSH requires hitting Enter twice.(15613)When you start an SSH session with a WX switch, theswitch does not display the login prompt the first timeyou press Enter.Press Enter a second time to display the login prompt.Clearing Telnet management sessions also clearsSSH sessions. (16100)If you type the clear session telnet command toclear all Telnet sessions with the switch, the commandalso clears all SSH sessions.Traceroute on WX1200 can contain an extra line.(18123)If the route from a WX1200 to a traceroute destina-tion contains more than one hop, the CLI output con-tains an extra line, for a non-existent hop. The extraline is easy to identify because it does not list an IPaddress. Here is an example:WX1200# traceroute to (, 30 hopsmax, 38 byte packets1 ( 9.229 ms 4.186ms 2.251 ms2 * 4.365 ms *3 ( 5.657 ms * 4.356 msIn this example, the second hop does not exist, andline 3 is the second hop.