18 W IRELESS LAN SWITCH AND CONTROLLER MSS VERSION 3.0 RELEASE NOTESKnown ProblemsSystem Configuration IssuesConfiguration of a WX4400 port for wiredauthentication does not work properly. (18531)Though possible to configure, it can result in a systemreset.Generating an SSH key causes error messages.(17773)When you generate an SSH key, error messages suchas the following can be displayed:1299.627569 ERROR: process_sigchld: process sshdexited pid=187 status=0x100 (1/0)SSHD Aug 23 22:38:40.503790 ERROR SSHD: readfrom store failed 4SSHD Aug 23 22:38:40.519164 ERROR SSHD: maincannot contact store code=1 - exiting.You can safely ignore these errors. SSH works prop-erly after the new key is installed.Adding a static VLAN with the same name as aVLAN whose traffic is being tunneled throughthe switch can cause the switch to restart.(18367)MSS can tunnel traffic for a VLAN through a WXswitch that does not have that VLAN statically config-ured. If you attempt to add a static VLAN to a switchthat is already tunneling traffic for a VLAN with thesame name, this can cause the switch to restart.SSHv2 management sessions WX4400: 8WX1200: 4Telnet client sessions (client forremote login)WX4400: 8WX1200: 4NTP servers 3SNMP trap receivers 8Syslog servers 4Client and Session Parameter Supported ValueAuthenticated and associated cli-ents per radio100Clients who are authenticated butnot yet associated are included inthe total.Active clients per radio 50Total number of active clientssimultaneously sending or receiv-ing data.Active AAA sessions (clients tryingto establish active connections)per WX switchWX4400: 2500WX1200: 300These are the suggested maxi-mums. The switch might be ableto support even more sessions,but performance or system stabil-ity might be affected.AAA users configured in localdatabase999Management Parameter Supported Value