276 CHAPTER 12: CONFIGURING WLAN M ESH S ERVICESConfiguring theService Profile forMesh ServicesYou configure the Mesh Portal AP to beacon the mesh services SSID. Todo this, create a service profile and enable mesh services using thefollowing commands:set service-profile mesh-service-profile ssid-name mesh-ssidset service-profile mesh-service-profile mesh mode {enable |disable}The service profile can then be mapped to a radio profile that manages aradio on the Mesh Portal MAP. Note that the radio profile to which theservice profile is mapped cannot be configured to auto-tune power orchannel settings.Configuring Security The secure connection between the Mesh AP and the Mesh Portal AP isestablished in a two-step process: creation of an encryptedpoint-to-point link between the Mesh AP, and the Mesh Portal AP,then authentication of the Mesh AP.When the Mesh AP is booted, it searches for a beacon containing theconfigured mesh SSID. Once it locates a Mesh Portal AP with the meshSSID, it associates with the Mesh Portal AP as a client device. The MeshAP can then be authenticated by the WX switch.To configure the Mesh AP to be authenticated, use the followingcommands:set service-profile mesh-service-profile rsn-ie enableset service-profile mesh-service-profile auth-psk enableset service-profile mesh-service-profile cipher-ccmp enableset service-profile mesh-service-profile cipher-tkip disableset service-profile mesh-service-profile {psk-phrasepass-phrase | psk-raw raw-pass}set mac-user mesh-ap-mac-addr attr vlan-name defaultset authentication mac ssid mesh-ssid * localThe pass-phrase or raw-pass is the same one configured on the Mesh AP.In addition, the Mesh AP must have its serial number and fingerprintconfigured on the WX switch.