14 CONFIGURING RF A UTO -TUNINGThe RF Auto-Tuning feature dynamically assigns channel and powersettings to MAP radios, and adjusts those settings when needed.Overview RF Auto-Tuning can perform the following tasks: Assign initial channel and power settings when a MAP radio is started. Periodically assess the RF environment and change the channel orpower setting if needed.By default, RF Auto-Tuning is enabled for channel configuration anddisabled for power configuration.Initial Channel andPower AssignmentThe following process is used to assign the channel and power to a MAPradio when it is first enabled: If RF Auto-Tuning is disabled for both channel and power assignment,the radio uses the channel and power settings in the radio profile thatmanages the radio. After this, the channel and power do not changeunless you change the settings in the radio profile, or enableRF Auto-Tuning. If RF Auto-Tuning is enabled for channel and power assignment, theradio performs an RF scan and reports the results to the WX switchthat is managing the MAP the radio is on. The scan results includethird-party access points. Based on the scan results, MSS sets thechannel and power on the radio. MSS always selects channel andpower settings that are valid for the country of operation. Initial channel assignment—MSS selects a channel at randomfrom the set of valid channels for the radio type and country code.After this, each subsequent time the radio or RF Auto-Tuning isrestarted, a different channel is selected to ensure even distributionamong the channels.