Assigning Authorization Attributes 497For example, the following command restricts the MAC user groupmac-fans to access the network by using only TKIP:WX1200# set mac-usergroup mac-fans attr encryption-type 4success: change accepted.You can also specify a combination of allowed encryption types bysumming the values. For example, the following command allowsmac-fans to associate using either TKIP or WEP_104:WX1200# set mac-usergroup mac-fans attr encryption-type 12success: change accepted.To clear an encryption type from the profile of a use or group of users inthe local WX database, use one of the following commands:clear user username attr encryption-typeclear usergroup groupname attr encryption-typeclear mac-user username attr encryption-typeclear mac-usergroup groupname attr encryption-typeAssigning and Clearing Encryption Types on a RADIUS ServerTo assign or delete an encryption algorithm as the Encryption-Typeauthorization attribute in a user or group record on a RADIUS server, seethe documentation for your RADIUS server.8 Wired-Equivalent Privacy protocol using 104 bits of keystrength (WEP_104). This is the default.16 Wired-Equivalent Privacy protocol using 40 bits of key strength(WEP_40).32 No encryption.64 Static WEPTable 45 Encryption Type Values and Associated Algorithms (continued)Encryption-TypeValueEncryption AlgorithmAssigned