592 CHAPTER 26: R OGUE DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURESDisplaying RogueClientsTo display the wireless clients detected by a WX switch, use the followingcommand:display rfdetect clients [mac mac-addr]The following command shows information about all wireless clientsdetected by a WX switch’s MAPs:WX# display rfdetect clientsTotal number of entries: 58Client MAC Client AP MAC AP AP/Radio NoL Type LastVendor Vendor /Channel seen----------------- ------- ----------------- ------- ---------- --- ----- ----00:04:23:53:4c:39 Intel Unknown 7/1/3 1 intfr 5600:05:4e:4f:fa:1d Unknown 00:0b:0e:23:1e:c1 3Com 7/2/44 2 intfr 10300:05:5d:79:ce:03 D-Link Unknown 7/1/10 2 intfr 15100:05:5d:79:ce:04 D-Link Unknown 7/1/9 1 intfr 7700:05:5d:7e:96:a1 D-Link Unknown 7/2/52 1 intfr 600:05:5d:7e:96:ce D-Link Unknown 7/2/48 2 intfr 7000:05:5d:97:97:82 D-Link Unknown 7/2/52 1 intfr 81200:06:25:13:07:5f Linksys Unknown 7/1/6 1 intfr 5400:09:5b:66:ec:1b Netgear Unknown 7/2/64 2 intfr 2800:0b:0e:0c:10:ff 3Com 00:0b:0e:30:83:41 3Com 7/2/161 1 intfr 20500:0b:0e:17:bb:3f 3Com 00:0b:0e:31:55:41 3Com 7/2/153 1 intfr 15The following command displays more details about a specific client:WX1200# display rfdetect clients mac 00:0c:41:63:fd:6dClient Mac Address: 00:0c:41:63:fd:6d, Vendor: LinksysPort: dap 1, Radio: 1, Channel: 11, RSSI: -82, Rate: 2, Last Seen (secs ago): 84Bssid: 00:0b:0e:01:02:00, Vendor: 3Com, Type: intfr, Dst: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ffLast Rogue Status Check (secs ago): 3The first line lists information for the client. The other lines listinformation about the most recent 802.11 packet detected from theclient.