3ware Disk Array Configuration Utilitywww.3ware.com 57array. If the verify array process determines that the mirrored drivesare not identical or the parity is not correct, the array is degradedand the rebuild process is launched.Figure 16. Maintain Disk Array DisplayNote: Fault tolerant arrays can not be verified untilafter they are initialized. For RAID 1 and 10 arrays theinitial verify must first be done in 3DM, otherwise theinitialization will not be done.Rebuilding a mirrored disk arrayEscalade ATA RAID Controllers allow you to create fault tolerantdisk arrays by selecting a mirrored RAID 1 or RAID 10 array.These disk arrays store identical data on two or more drives to pro-tect against drive failure. If one or more of the drives of a mirroredM a i n t a i n D i s k A r r a yenablednoCancelOKThe array listed below can have its write cache state changed.Verify checks the data integrity of a fault tolerant array.Array Unit 2 - 2 drive Mirror 30.0GBPort 2 - QUANTUM FIREBALLP LM30 30.0GBPort 3 - QUANTUM FIREBALLP LM30 30.0GBArray's Write Cache State:Verify Array:HelpAlt-F1 Change ValueEnterPrevious/Next CancelEsc