GUID-D8442EFF-ACD7-404C-8540-4C64E2631BD4 V1 ENFigure 23: Rebooting Arctic deviceThe Running and old batches list shows the started batch update. The Statuscolumn indicates how many of the total number of reboot tasks have beenfinished.When all update tasks are finished, the duration of the batch update is shown inthe Status column.GUID-49481E45-8D4D-4AF3-A896-79B5AE00F482 V1 ENFigure 24: Running and old batches list for rebooting7.3.3 RIO600 device managementRemote RIO600 devices connected to an Arctic device can be updated using the toolsavailable in ARM600 WHMI's Arctic Patrol application. It is possible to transfer anew configuration as well as firmware to the RIO600 devices. However, the RIO600device configuration and maintenance is always handled with PCM600.If enabled in the Arctic wireless devices’ configurations, the Arctic wireless devicesscan their local networks for RIO600 devices and report them to the ARM600’s Patrolview. The RIO600 devices are separately listed under each Arctic device the way theywere found on the network. Although the ARM600’s asset management features donot have any knowledge of the RIO600 device composition, software orconfiguration, it attempts to show this information whenever available.Asset management actions may be performed on the RIO600 devices by selectingthem from the device list in the same way as the Arctic devices.The asset management functionality for RIO600 is available fromARM600 Ver.4.3.1 onwards and with Arctic devices' firmware Ver.3.4.1 onwards.Section 7 1MRS758861 AArctic Patrol40 ARM600User Manual