Technical data2671SVC 440 795 M0100Transistor outputsCL-LST, CL-LMT, CL-LET.20DC2CL-LST CL-LMT,CL-LET.20DC2Number of outputs 4 8Contacts Semiconductors SemiconductorsRated voltage Ue 24 V DC 24 V DCPermissible range 20.4 to 28.8 V DC 20.4 to 28.8 V DCResidual ripple F 5 % F 5 %Supply currentAt state ”0” Normally 9 mA, max. 16 mA Normally 18 mA, max. 32 mAAt state ”1” Normally 12 mA, max. 22 mA Normally 24 mA, max. 44 mAReverse polarity protection Yes, Attention! If voltage is applied to the outputs when the polarityof the power supply is reversed, this will result in a short circuit.Potential isolation to mainssupply, inputsYes YesRated current Ie on 1 signal max. 0.5 A DC max. 0.5 A DCLamp load 5 Watts without RV 5 Watts without RVResidual current on 0 stateper channel< 0,1 mA < 0,1 mAMax. output voltageOn 0 statewith ext. load 10 M2.5 V 2.5 VOn 1 state, Ie = 0.5 A U = Ue – 1 V U = Ue – 1 VShort-circuit protection Yes, thermal (analysis via diagnostics input I16, I15; R16, R15)Short-circuit tripping currentfor Ra F 10 mO0,7 A F Ie F 2 A per outputMax. total short-circuitcurrent8 A 16 APeak short-circuit current 16 A 32 AThermal cutout Yes Yes