The IEC 61850 OPC Server supports the following features:• OPC Data Access v. 1.0/2.0• OPC Alarms and Events specifications v. 1.10• Communication diagnostics• IEC 61850 data modeling• System supervision:• IEC 61850 device communication• Command handling:• The IEC 61850 OPC Server supports the IEC 61850 command services.• • SPS, DPS, INS, ACT, ACD, SEC, BCR, MV, CMV, SAV, WYE, DEL, SEQ,SPC, DPC, BSC, ISC, APC, SPG, ING, ASG, CURVE, DPL, LPL.• IEC 61850 buffered and unbuffered reporting services• IEC 61850 File Transfer• IEC 61850 GOOSE receive (received GOOSE data updated to OPC)• Automatic Disturbance Recording upload using IEC 61850 file transfer or FTP• SPA TCP• SPA Parameter access (configured with Parameter Filtering Tool)• Time synchronization:• The IEC 61850 OPC Server can act as an SNTP client and server for time syn-chronization. When the IEC 61850 OPC Server is configured for receiving timesynchronization, it updates the operating system time of the PC.• Multiple instance support• GOOSE Analyzer supportIEC 60870-5-104 OPC Server features2.4.2.The IEC 60870-5-104 (IEC 104) protocol is a standard for power system monitoring,control and associated communications for telecontrol, protection and associated tele-communications for electric power systems. The IEC 104 master protocol implementationin the COM600 uses a TCP/IP interface for substation LAN (Local Area Network)connectivity and thereby to field slave devices supporting IEC 104. The application layerof IEC 104 is preserved same as that of IEC 101.The IEC 104 OPC Server supports the following features:• OPC Data Access v. 1.0/2.0• OPC Alarms and Events specification v. 1.10• IEC 61850 data modeling• System supervision:• IEC 104 channel supervision• IEC 104 device communication• Supported IEC 60870-5-104 data types and functions.201MRS758690COM600 series 5.0Master Protocols (Ethernet) and Applications Technical Refer-ence Manual