Channel attributes4.4.2.Table 4.4.2-1 Channel attributesDescriptionValue or Value range/ DefaultProperty / Para-meterBasicThe state of the channel - whether it is inuse or not. When a channel is not in use,no data can be transmitted on it, and nodata is received from it. The channelattributes can be read as usual. Generally,a channel must be taken out of use bysetting this attribute to 0 before the chan-nel attributes can be written.When a channel is stopped by setting theIn use attribute to 0, all data transmissionon the channel ceases. However, beforethat, the protocol stack executes to theend all on-going data transactions. Forexample, the of the station in turn is com-pleted.0 = Not in use, the channelcommunication is stopped.1 = In use.In useDiagnostic Coun-tersThe number of transmitted data messages.Transmitted tele-gramsThe number of failed transmissions.Failed transmissionsThe number of transmitted commands.Timeout errorsThe number of transmitted informationmessages.Transmitted I formatmessagesThe number of transmitted supervisorymessages.Transmitted Sformat messagesThe number of transmitted unnumberedmessages.Transmitted Uformat messagesThe number of received information mes-sages.Received I formatmessagesThe number of received supervisory mes-sages.Received S formatmessagesThe number of received unnumberedmessages.Received U formatmessagesThe number of received messages.Received messagesThe count of TCP connect request.TCP Connect countThe count of accepted TCP connectrequest.TCP Accept countThe count of closed TCP connection.TCP Close count99COM600 series 5.01MRS758690Master Protocols (Ethernet) and Applications Technical Refer-ence Manual