Control code: 0File Transfer service codes3.4.4.Status codes can be read from the Status attribute. The status indicates the current servicestatus and the service result.Table 3.4.4-1 Service control codesCancel0GetFile1GetFileAttributeValues2GetFileAttributeValuesEx3Rename File4SetFile5DeleteFile6In the service status codes, the first number indicates success (1) or failure (9). Thesecond number indicates currently requested service (0 - 6). If a local service is requestedin multiple parts for the remote device, the third number indicates the currently calledremote service (1 - 3). The fourth number gives a detailed failure code (0 - 3).Example:9601 = parameters error, remote file delete error9123 = remote service error, remote file read errorTable 3.4.4-2 SuccessReady1000Opening remote file1100Reading remote file1120Closing remote file1140Requesting remote directory file details1200Requesting remote directory file details1300Renaming remote file1400Requesting remote device to obtain local file1500Remote device requested to open local file1520Remote device requested to read local file1540Remote device requested to close local file1560Deleting remote file1600Service done1000801MRS758690COM600 series 5.0Master Protocols (Ethernet) and Applications Technical Refer-ence Manual