Status codes4.3.Introduction4.3.1.The following status codes are defined for the IEC 60870-5-104 master protocol. Sometypical reasons for some of the status codes are also given.Link layer status codes4.3.2.ITCP_REMOTE_HOST_CONTINUOUSLY_BUSY. Not used at the moment.17800ITCP_LINE_INITIALISING. Line status value before the initialisation of the TCPinterface for the protocol is completed.17801ITCP_LINE_INITIALISATION_FAILED. Line status value when the initialisationof the TCP interface failed.17802ITCP_REMOTE_HOST_BUSY. Device status is set to this value when the datatransfer is disabled due to received ‘stopdt’ frame.17803ITCP_REMOTE_HOST_NOT_RESPONDING. Device status is set to this valuewhen the connection to a remote host is not established.17804ITCP_LINE_NOT_CONNECTED. Line status is set to this value when there isno connection to any configured host.17805ITCP_LINE_STOPPED. Line status value when the line is taken out of use.17806ITCP_RECEIVER_OUT_OF_BUFFERS. Internal error situation.17807ITCP_REMOTE_HOST_NOT_READY. Returned to SCIL in case there is noconnection to the host.17808ITPC_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE. Returned to SCIL when the attribute valuegiven is out of range.17820Application layer status codes4.3.3.ICCC_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE. The value set to an attribute of an IECstation is incorrect, for example, one of the elements of the vector written to theSD attribute is out of range.13851ICCC_INVALID_INDEX_RANGE. The index range used when accessing anattribute of an IEC station is incorrect.13852ICCC_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE. The STA object attribute used is not valid for theIEC slave protocol.13853ICCC_ASDU_TABLE_NOT_CREATED. Internal software error.13854ICCC_UNKNOWN_ASDU_NAME. The name of the ASDU written to the SD orEV attribute is not supported.13855ICCC_ASDU_QUEUE_FULL. No more events can be written to one of the queuesby using the SD or EV attribute since the queue is full.1385697COM600 series 5.01MRS758690Master Protocols (Ethernet) and Applications Technical Refer-ence Manual