Curve nameANSI Moderately InverseANSI/IEEE Definite timeANSI Long Time Extremely InverseANSI Long Time Very InverseANSI Long Time InverseIEC Normal InverseIEC Very InverseIEC InverseIEC Extremely InverseIEC Short Time InverseIEC Long Time InverseIEC Definite TimeUser ProgrammableASEA RIRXIDG or RD (logarithmic)The different characteristics are described inTechnical manual.Ix>: Operate phase current level for stepx given in % ofIB.Ix>MaxEd2Set andIx>MinEd2Set should only be changed if remote setting of operationcurrent level,Ix>, is used. The limits are used for decreasing the used range of theIx> setting.IfIx> is set outsideIx>MaxEd2Set andIx>MinEd2Set, the closest of the limits toIx> is used bythe function. IfIx>MaxEd2Set is smaller thanIx>MinEd2Set, the limits are swapped.tx: Definite time delay for stepx. The definite timetx is added to the inverse time when inversetime characteristic is selected. Note that the value set is the time between activation of thestart and the trip outputs.kx: Time multiplier for inverse time delay for stepx.IMinx: Minimum operate current in % ofIB for all inverse time characteristics, below which nooperation takes place.IMinx: Minimum operate current for stepx in % ofIBase. SetIMinx belowIx> for every step toachieve ANSI reset characteristic according to standard. IfIMinx is set aboveIx> for any stepthe ANSI reset works as if current is zero when current drops belowIMinx.txMin: Minimum operate time for all inverse time characteristics. At high currents the inversetime characteristic might give a very short operation time. By setting this parameter theoperation time of the step can never be shorter than the setting. Setting range: 0.000 -60.000s in steps of 0.001s.IxMult: Multiplier for scaling of the current setting value. If a binary input signal ENMULTx(enableMultiplier) is activated the current operation level is increased by this setting constant.Setting range: 1.0-10.0Section 8 1MRK 505 363-UEN ACurrent protection134Application manual