Here the parameters FineSyncSource, CourseSyncSrc and SyncMaster areswitched on or off. TIMESYNCHBINMain menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/SYNCHBIN:xBinary input synchronization settings available here are the position of the of themodule, the number of the binary input and the detection mode. DSTBEGINMain menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/DSTBEGIN:xThe starting point for Daylight Savings Time is set here. DSTENDMain menu/Setttings/Time/Synchronization/DSTEND:xThe end point of Daylight Savings Time is set here. SYNCHIRIG-BMain menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/SYNCHIRIG-B:xThe type of input, time domain, type of encoding and time zone for IRIG-B are sethere. SYNCHSNTPMain menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/SYNCHSNTP:xHere the IP addresses for the Simple Network Time Protocol servers are set. TIMEZONEMain menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/TIMEZONE:xThe time zone according to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is set here.9.2 General settingsParameters under General settings that are changed will cause the IED to restart.This occurs automatically and requires no manual intervention.Section 9 1MRK511251-UEN BRead and change settings36Operator's manual