individual function. One of the submenus shows the status of the LEDs on theHMI.10. Communication displays submenus and Station communication.All measurement descriptions in this document reflect the maximum number ofhardware units possible in any application. In reality the hardware in the IED willbe chosen according to a particular application. For example, it is possible to equipa 1/1 x 19” case IED with 14 I/O modules. In reality fewer I/O modules may beinstalled. In the measurements menu the operator will only see data from thehardware and software installed.11.2 IED test modeMain menu/Test/IED test modeDisplays a setting which is used to activate and deactivate functions so that testscan be performed without endangering system stability and a setting with whichevents can be enabled or disabled.11.3 View binary input values11.3.1 OverviewBinary input values display the state of each individual input in the Binary inputmodules (BIM). These are indicated with a 1 or 0 depending on whether a signal ispresent or not. Binary input modules with enhanced pulse counting capabilities canreceive pulses used for power measurement. The number of pulses received is usedto measure power. Binary Input Module BIMMain menu/Test/Binary input values/Binary input modulesDisplays available binary input modules with several binary values per module. Signal matrix for binary input SMBIMain menu/Test/Binary Input Values/SMT binary inputs/Instance:xDisplays available instances of SMT binary inputs with several inputs per instance.Section 11 1MRK511251-UEN BTest the IED54Operator's manual