TZIDC DIGITAL POSITIONER | OI/TZIDC-EN REV. B 11CSA Certification RecordCertificateCertificate 1649904 (LR 20312)Class 2258 04 PROCESS CONTROL EQUIPMENT –Intrinsically Safe, Entity – For HazardousLocationsElectric dataModel TZIDC, P/N V18345-x0x2x2xx0x Intelligent PositionerFor use in Class I, Div 1, Groups A, B, C and D;Class II, Div 1, Groups E, F, and G,Class III, Div 1, Enclosure Type 4XInput rated 30 V DC; max.4 to 20 mAOutput pressure 80 psi (Marine version)Intrinsically safe with entity parameters of:Terminals 11 / 12 U max = 30 VI max = 104 mACi = 6.6 nFLi = 0 μHPi = 1 WTerminals 81 / 82 U max = 30 VI max = 110 mACi = 3.7 nFLi = 0 μHPi = 1 WTerminals 83 / 84 U max = 30 VI max = 90 mACi = 3.7 nFLi = 0 μHPi = 1 WTerminals 31 / 32 U max = 30 VI max = 110 mACi = 6.6 nFLi = 0 μHPi = 1 WTerminals 41 / 42 and 51 / 52 U max = 30 VI max = 96 mACi = 3.7 nFLi = 0 μHPi = 1 WTerminals Limit 2 41 / 42and Limit 1 51 / 52U max = 15.5 VI max = 52 mACi = 20 nFLi = 30 μHPi = 1 WWhen installed per installation Drawing No 901064:Temperature Code T4Max. Ambient temperature 85 °CNote• The ‘x’ in P/N denotes minor mechanical variations oroptional features.• Local communication interface LCI shall not be used inhazardous location.• Each pair of conductors of each intrinsic safety circuit shallbe shielded.• See FM installation drawing No. 901064 for Details.FM ApprovalsTZIDC Positioner, Model V18345-a0b2c2de0fIS/I,II,III/1/ABCDEFG/T4 Ta = 85 °C – 901064/7/4; Enity;NI/I/2/ABCD/T4 Ta = 85 °C;S/II,III/2/FG/T4 Ta =85 °C; Type 4XMax Enity Parameters: Per Control Drawingsa Case/mounting – 1, 2, 3, 4 or 9b Input/communication port – 1 or 2c Output/safe protection – 1, 2, 4 or 5d Option modules for analog or digital position feedback –0, 1, 3 or 5e Mechanical kit (proximity swiches) for digital positionfeedback (option) – 0, 1 or 3f Design (varnish/coding) – 1 or 2See FM installation drawing No. 901064 for Details.Change from two to one column