TZIDC DIGITAL POSITIONER | OI/TZIDC-EN REV. B 39Parameter Display Function Possible parameter setting Unit Factory settingP8._ ANLG_OUTP8.0 MIN_RGE Min. range Min. current range 4.0 to 18.4 mA 4.0P8.1 MAX_RGE Max. range Max. current range 20.0 to 5.7 mA 20.0P8.2 ACTION Action Direction of action ofcharacteristic curveDIRECT, REVERSE --- DIRECTP8.3 ALARM Alarm current Alarm message HIGH_CUR, LOW_CUR --- HIGH_CURP8.4 RB_CHAR Readback character. Converted characters DIRECT, RECALC DIRECTP8.5 TEST Test Test Function --- NONEP8.6 ALR_ENAB Alarm function enabled Alarm via analog output ON, OFF --- ONP8.7 CLIPPING Current signalSignal clipping rangeExtension of signal output to3.8 to 20.5 mA4.0 to 20.0; 3.8 to 20.5 mA mA 4.0 bis 20.5P8.8 EXIT Return Return to operating level Function --- ---P9._ DIG_OUTP9.0 ALRM_LOG Alarm logic Alarm output logic ACTIVE_HI, ACTIVE_LO --- ACTIVE_HIP9.1 SW1_LOG Switchpoint 1 logic Logic SW1 ACTIVE_HI, ACTIVE_LO --- ACTIVE_HIP9.2 SW2_LOG Switchpoint 2 logic Logic SW2 ACTIVE_HI, ACTIVE_LO --- ACTIVE_HIP9.3 TEST Test Test Function --- NONEP9.4 EXIT Return Return to operating level Function --- NV_SAVEP10._ DIG_INP10.0 FUNCTION Function select Function selection NONE, POS_0 %, POS_100 %, POS_HOLD --- NONEP10.1 EXIT Return Return to operating level Function --- ---P11._ FS / IPP11.0 FAIL_POS Save position Safe position ACTIVE, INACTIVE --- INACTIVEP11.1 FACT_SET Factory setting Factory setting Function --- STARTP11.2 IP-TYP I/P module type Type of l/P module NO_F_POS,F_SAFE_1,F_SAFE_2,F_FREEZE1, F_FREEZE2--- [CUSTOM]P11.3* IP_COMP IP compensation IP compensation ON, OFF --- ONP11.4 HART_REV HART revision HART revision 5; 7 --- 5P11.5 EXIT Return Return to operating level Function --- NV_SAVE* Activation by ABB Service onlyNoteFor detailed information on the parameterization of the device, consult the associated configuration and parameterizationinstructions.