The output BLK2H of three-phase inrush detector INRPHAR1 enables either blockingthe function or multiplying the active settings for any of the available overcurrent orearth-fault function blocks.INRPHAR1BLOCK BLK2H INRPHAR1_BLK2HGUID-48CCCD5A-6F4F-4FF7-9D75-85E2B0DDD8A9 V1 ENFigure 282: Inrush detector functionTwo negative-sequence overcurrent protection stages NSPTOC1 and NSPTOC2 areprovided for phase unbalance protection. These functions are used to protect thefeeder against phase unbalance. Both negative sequence overcurrent protections areblocked in case of detection in failure in secondary circuit of sensor.NSPTOC1BLOCKENA_MULTOPERATESTARTNSPTOC2BLOCKENA_MULTOPERATESTARTORB1B2ONSPTOC1_OPERATENSPTOC1_OPERATENSPTOC2_OPERATENSPTOC2_OPERATENSPTOC1_STARTNSPTOC2_STARTCCSPVC1_FAILCCSPVC1_FAILNSPTOC_OPERATEGUID-863218A0-49A4-400F-A05E-8E9954E4B722 V2 ENFigure 283: Negative-sequence overcurrent protection functionThree stages are provided for directional earth-fault protection. According to theIED's order code, the directional earth-fault protection method can be based onconventional directional earth-fault DEFxPDEF only or alternatively used togetherwith admittance-based earth-fault protection EFPADM or wattmetric-based earth-fault protection WPWDE.Section 3 1MRS756378 SREF615 standard configurations204 REF615Application Manual