OR6B1B2B3B4B5B6O CB_OPEN_COMMANDCBXCBR1_EXE_OPTRPPTRC1_TRIPDARREC1_OPEN_CBGUID-63DB00F4-441B-4B7E-8F02-500921B8C9C6 V1 ENFigure 313: Signals for opening coil of circuit breaker 1NOTIN OUTAND6B1B2B3B4B5B6ONOTIN OUTNOTIN OUTTRPPTRC2_TRIPCBXCBR1_ENA_CLOSETRPPTRC1_TRIPX110_BI3_GAS_PRESSURE_ALARMDCSXSWI1_OKPOSX110_BI4_CB_SPRING_CHARGEDESSXSWI1_OPENPOSGUID-B74256B7-3CF6-464D-A6BB-90B83D2732E9 V1 ENFigure 314: Circuit breaker 1 close enable logicConnect the higher-priority conditions before enabling the closing ofcircuit breaker. These conditions cannot be bypassed using bypassfeature of the function.OR6B1B2B3B4B5B6O CBXCBR1_BLK_CLOSET1PTTR1_BLK_CLOSEGUID-3E75311B-A42A-4A5D-9122-D93FBD773BB3 V1 ENFigure 315: Circuit breaker 1 close blocking logicThe configuration includes the logic for generating circuit breaker external closingand opening command with the IED in local or remote mode.Check the logic for the external circuit breaker closing command andmodify it according to the application.Connect additional signals for opening and closing of circuit breakerin local or remote mode, if applicable for the configuration.1MRS756378 S Section 3REF615 standard configurationsREF615 219Application Manual