HREFPDIF1BLOCK OPERATESTART HREFPDIF1_OPERATEHREFPDIF1_STARTGUID-8034927A-76EB-4106-8ACE-2408181CF096 V1 ENFigure 453: High impedance restricted earth-fault protection functionThree-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables and distribution transformersT1PTTR1 detects overloads under varying load conditions. The BLK_CLOSE outputof the function is used to block the closing operation of circuit breaker.T1PTTR1BLK_OPRENA_MULTTEMP_AMBOPERATESTARTALARMBLK_CLOSE T1PTTR1_BLK_CLOSET1PTTR1_STARTT1PTTR1_OPERATEGUID-260F8A52-6DC6-41E9-9AA2-F37CBA88AB14 V1 ENFigure 454: Thermal overcurrent protection functionFault locator SCEFRFLO1 provides impedance-based fault location. Function istriggered by operation of non-directional overcurrent and earth-fault protectionfunction. However the outputs of fault locator are not connected to any logic and thoseneeds to be connected as per application need.SCEFRFLO1BLOCKTRIGGTRIGG_XC0FALARMOR6B1B2B3B4B5B6OORB1B2OEFLPTOC2_OPERATEPHIPTOC1_OPERATEPHLPTOC1_OPERATEPHHPTOC1_OPERATEEFLPTOC1_OPERATEEFHPTOC1_OPERATEEFIPTOC1_OPERATEGUID-129824AC-339E-453E-A209-6C2D79259970 V1 ENFigure 455: Fault locator functionCircuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF1 is initiated via the START input bynumber of different protection functions available in the IED. The breaker-failureprotection function offers different operating modes associated with the circuitbreaker position and the measured phase and residual currents.The circuit breaker failure protection function has two operating outputs: TRRET andTRBU. The TRRET operate output is used for retripping its own breaker throughTRPPTRC2_TRIP. The TRBU output is used to give a backup trip to the breakerfeeding upstream. For this purpose, the TRBU operate output signal is connected to thebinary output X100:PO2.1MRS756378 S Section 3REF615 standard configurationsREF615 299Application Manual