Chapter 3: Installation12 ISU 512 User Manual 61202.086L1-1THE MAINTENANCE INTERFACEThe Maintenance Interface is available at 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity,through the CHAIN IN port. See the appendix Pinouts for the Chain In portpinout. The VT 100 terminal or null modem can be connected to the Chain Inport using the RJ-45 to DB-25 adapter (part number 3196.ADPT003) and theRJ-45 to RJ-45 cable provided with the unit. The port contains transmit and re-ceive data (EIA-232 compatible). This interface can be used to set internal S-registers, dial ISDN connections, and disconnect calls. This port also allowsADTRAN Technical Support personnel to retrieve vital information from theunit if a problem is encountered during initial configuration of the ISU 512.Most problems can be solved without resorting to this port for assistance.The terminal should be set for 9600 bps, 8 data bits, and no parity. The main-tenance port is activated by typing !V at the - - 512-> prompt.There are four maintenance port commands available to display and clear thestatus buffer, display the internal print buffer, loop status and help screen; seeFigure 3-1.Figure 3-1Maintenance Port VT 100 MenuPlugging the RJ-45 cable from the telephone service provider into the Chain In orChain Out ports could cause damage to the ISU 512.