Food Temperature (°C) Time (min) Shelf position Water in thewater drawer(ml)Chipolatas 80 15 - 20 2 400EggsFood Temperature (°C) Time (min) Shelf position Water in thewater drawer(ml)Eggs, hard-boiled96 18 - 21 2 500Eggs, medi-um-boiled96 13 - 16 2 450Eggs, soft-boiled96 11 - 12 2 40012.6 Turbo Grilling and FullSteam in successionWhen you combine the functions, youcan cook meat, vegetables andaccompaniments one after the other. Alldishes are ready to be served at thesame time.• To initially roast the food use thefunction: Turbo Grilling.• Put the prepared vegetables andaccompaniments into cookwarecorrect for an oven procedure andthen into the oven with the roast.• Cool down the oven to a temperatureof around 80 °C. To cool down theappliance quicker open the oven doorto the first position for approximately15 minutes.• Start the function: Full Steam. Cook itall together until ready.Maximum water amount is 800ml.Food Turbo Grilling (first step: cookmeat)Full Steam (second step: add vege-tables)Tempera-ture (°C)Time (min) Shelf posi-tionTempera-ture (°C)Time (min) Shelf posi-tionRoast beef1 kgBrusselssprouts,polenta180 60 - 70 meat: 1 96 40 - 50 meat: 1vegeta-bles: 3Roast pork1 kg,Potatoes,vegeta-bles, gravy180 60 - 70 meat: 1 96 30 - 40 meat: 1vegeta-bles: 3ENGLISH 25