34 Chapter 2PC Health StatusThe following table describes the parameters found in this menu:Parameter DescriptionChassis Opened Warning Warning beep alerts as chassis opened. EnabledDisabledShutdown Temperature This feature allow to set the Shutdowntemperature. 90 C/194 FDisabledCurrent Voltage (V) Vcore /DDR18V/+1.5V/+3.3V/+5V/+12VDetect system’s voltage status automaticallyCPU Temperature Detect CPU Temperature automaticallyCPU / SYSTEM FAN Speed (RPM) Detect CPU/SYSTEM Fan Speed status automaticallyCPU Smart Fan Function This item allows you to enable or disable theSMART fan control functionEnableDisabledHidden SettingSystem Smart Fan Function Enabled/DisabledC P U S hutdow n Tem perature [90 O C /194 O F]S ystem S hutdow n Tem perature [70 O C /158 O F]C P U FA N S peed 3835 R PMC P U V core 1.32V+12V 11.58V+5V 4.94V+3.3V 3.23V+5U SB 4.91VC P U S m art FA N C ontrol 41 O CA m bient Tem perature 61 O CC P U W arning Tem perature [70 O C /158 O F]S ystem S m art FA N C ontrol [Enabled]M enu Level XKLI J :M ove Enter: Select +/-/P U /P D :V alue F10:S ave E SC :Exit F1:G eneral H elpF 5: P revious V alues F7:D efault S ettingsP hoenix - A w ard B IO S C M O S S etup U tilityP C H ealth S tatusItem H elp° °