ConventionsThe following typographic conventions are used throughoutthis Installation Guide.boldUsed for keystrokes (.. press the Enter key ..) and screen selec-tion fields (.. select Backup Device and ..).HelveticaUsed for operator entry that must be typed exactly as shown( .. device=c:\cdrom\cdrom.tsd ..) and for screen messages (.. En-ter Password ..).Helvetica ItalicsUsed as a place holder for text you must determine and type in(.. enternn for number ..). Also used for program and file namesin body text (.. theautoexec.bat file ..).ItalicsUsed for emphasis (.. is only supported ..) and document refer-ence (.. refer to Chapter 2, Installation ..).ALL CAPITALSUsed for acronyms, such as SCSI.Hexadecimal NumbersAre followed by an ’h’, e.g., 330h.End MarkThe p symbol marks the end of text for each chapter.px