• Power should be cycled OFF and ON after changing anyvalues on a host adapter,setup program, or SCSI deviceto be sure that the new initial values are loaded.• Make sure that SCSI parity is consistently enabled or dis-abled on all devices on the SCSI bus.• Verify that the host adapter and the SCSI devices areproperly configured and installed.• Make sure that the SCSI bus is properly terminated.• Make sure that the disk has a DOS partition and a DOSformat.• System works erratically, hangs, or the host adapter can-not always find the drives.• Check SCSI parity for consistency.• Check termination.• Check cable length and integrity.• If host adapter and drive LED remain on during a hangcondition, make sure that the SCSI drive conforms to theCommon Command Set Revision 4B (CCS 4B).If only the host adapter LED remains on during a hang, it is prob-ably a host adapter to computer system interface problem. Thesystem may not be capable of First-Party DMA transfers. Checkwith the system manufacturer for information.Some older motherboard BIOS do not support freeform data forthe EISA configuration. This support is required in order tochanged the default Host Adapter options. If freeform data is notsupported, the AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 can still be used, but theHost Adapter option defaults will always be used.padaptec AHA-1740A/1742A/17447-6