The AHA-1744 microcode is stored in an EEPROM. This allowsthe microcode to be changed with the Adaptecadl.exe program.Theadl.exe program can also be used to determine the checksumof the currently installed microcode and low-level format SCSIfixed disks. Both the standard and enhanced mode microcode canreside in the EEPROM at the same time.The AHA-1740A/1742A uses an EPROM for the microcode, whichdoes not allow the microcode to be changed. However, theadl.exeprogram can still be used to low-level format fixed disk drives.The AHA-1740A/1742A/1744, like all EISA I/O cards, do not havejumpers to change various configuration options. These optionsare changed via the EISA Configuration utility provided withevery EISA system. The AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 does have ajumper that is used to determine whether or not the host adapterwill supply terminator power to the SCSI bus. In addition, theAHA-1742A has a jumper that is used to enable or disable theon-board floppy controller.The AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 can be used to install up to 7 SCSIdevices. Up to 56 devices can be installed if bridge controllers areused; however, this is not usually done.The AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 supports processor target mode,which allows the host adapter to be an initiator and a target. Theuse of processor target mode is fully documented in the AHA-1740A/1742A/1744 Technical Reference Manual.EISA-to-Fast SCSI Host Adapter Overview1-3