Chapter 9: Monitoring Status and Activity ● 1183 Click the Traps tab, then enter the IP address of each system on which you want to enabletraps.4 Click OK.5 Start the SNMP service.Setting Up SNMP Notifications on LinuxFor the Linux operating system, the Adaptec Storage Manager SNMP agent is a sub-agent thatinterfaces with the UCD-SNMP agentx architecture. UCD-SNMP is a third-party package forLinux; for information, documentation, and downloads, see configure SNMP support:1 Install Adaptec Storage Manager (see page 20).2 Add Adaptec OID information and agentx extension information to the snmp.conf.3 Delete /var/agentx/master (socket file for agentx).4 Start the snmpd daemon and agentx.5 Start aus-snmp daemon.Refer to your Linux documentation for information on configuring UCD-SNMP, agentx, andsetting up traps.Notifying All Users About Status and ActivityYou can set Adaptec Storage Manager to send status alerts about a specified system to all userswho are logged into your storage space. You might want to do this if your storage space isn’tmanaged by a dedicated person, or if that particular system is off-site or not connected to amonitor. Event alerts signal everyone working on the storage space that a system requirestechnical assistance.When you set Adaptec Storage Manager to broadcast event alerts, all logged-in users receivemessages about all types of events. In Windows, these alerts appear as pop-up messages; in allother operating systems, these alerts appear as console messages.When enabled, event alerts occur independent of event notifications (see page 107) and emailnotifications (see page 112).To enable event alerts:1 In the Enterprise View, select the system you want.1 On the tool bar, click Configure, point to the system you want, then click General Settings.The Adaptec Storage Manager Agent General Settings window opens for that system. (Seethe figure on page 132.)