Chapter 7: Scheduling Recurring or Resource-Intensive Jobs ● 84Monitoring TasksUse the two main panels of the Task Manager—the task list and the task event log—to monitoryour tasks.Monitoring Upcoming Tasks in the Task ListThe Task List displays all scheduled tasks in order of creation, and includes basic informationabout each task. Although you can’t sort the tasks in any other order, you can reorganize thecolumns in the Task List by clicking and dragging the column heads.The Status column of the Task List shows the current condition of each task:● Scheduled—The task is scheduled to be completed at a future date and time.● Executed—The task has been completed successfully.● Executed*—A recurring task has been completed once and will be repeated at thescheduled time.● Error—The task has not been completed successfully. (For more information about anerror, double-click the task in the Task List to open the Task Properties window.)In the menu bar, click View task for additional detail about any task in the Task List.Checking Past Tasks and Events in the Event LogThe Event Log displays detailed information about the Task Manager itself, such as whenscheduled events were modified, deleted, or completed successfully.By default, task events are listed in the order they occurred, with the most recent event first. Tomake it easier to find a specific event, click on the column heads to sort task events. You can alsoreorganize the columns by clicking and dragging the column heads.The Event Log uses icons to show the status of past tasks:Double-click on an event to see basic information about the event in the Task Propertieswindow. Click Next to see the next event in the list.Icon Status Explanation and SolutionInformation The task or event completed successfully. No action required.Warning The task missed its start time. Reschedule the task to clear the error, asdescribed in Modifying a Task on page 85.Error The task failed. Delete the task to clear the error. Schedule the task again, asdescribed in Scheduling a Task on page 82.)