Chapter 4: Exploring Adaptec Storage Manager ● 45Working in Adaptec Storage ManagerAdaptec Storage Manager provides multiple ways to work with its menus and windows.Most menu options are available by:● Selecting items from the menu bar.● Clicking buttons on the tool bar.● Right-clicking on components in the main window. (Only tasks and windows associatedwith a specific component are available on right-click menus.)For simplicity, the tasks in this User’s Guide are explained mainly using menu bar options.About the Actions MenuMost of the main tasks in Adaptec Storage Manager are available from the Actions menu onthe menu bar. Options that appear on the Actions menu vary, depending on which type ofcomponent is selected in the main window. For instance, managed systems, disk drives, andhot spares each have specialized Actions menus.For an overview of all Actions menu options, see What options are on the Actions menu? onpage 165.Overview of the Main WindowThe main window of Adaptec Storage Manager has three main panels—left, right, andbottom—in addition to the other features shown in this figure.The left panel always shows the Enterprise View; the bottom panel always shows the event log.Different information, or views, appear in the right panel depending on which component isselected in the Enterprise View. (In this example, a controller is selected in the Enterprise View,and the right panel displays the Physical Devices and Logical Devices Views.)Tool BarMenu BarPhysical DevicesViewLogical DevicesViewEnterpriseViewEvent LogDirectAttachedStoragebranch