Chapter 9: Monitoring Status and Activity ● 120Logging Statistics for Remote AnalysisYou can use Adaptec Storage Manager to gather advanced IO and usage statistics for the RAIDcontrollers in your system. Periodically, you can choose to send the data to Adaptec by PMCProduct Support, or other designated contact, for analysis. This feature is referred to as “callhome”.The information gathered by Adaptec Storage Manager includes:● Advanced IO and usage statistics for the controllers on your system, including MaxIQcache statisticsNote: If you prefer not to gather statistics for a controller, you can disable statistics logging.See Disabling Statistics Logging on a Controller on page 94.● Controller configuration data, such as the number of logical drives, their RAID levels, andsize● Error log filesNote: Adaptec Storage Manager does not gather proprietary site information when loggingstatistics for remote analysis. In addition to logging I/O usage statistics, it gathers the same errorlog files and controller configuration data as the ASM support archive. For more information, seeCreating a Call Home Support Archive on page 124 and Creating a Support Archive File on page142.Follow the instructions in this section to:● Set up the statistics logging frequency, reporting interval, and contact information (seenext section).● Configure proxy server settings (see page 122).● Send a test message (see page 122).● Disable/Enable call home messages (see page 123).● Clear the Advanced Statistics Manager event log (see page 123).● Create a call home support archive (see page 124).● View the statistics for a controller, hard drive, SSD, or logical drive (see page 124).Setting Up Statistics LoggingThis section describes how to set up advanced statistics logging, including the loggingfrequency, reporting interval, and contact information. The logging frequency is the rate atwhich I/O statistics are read from the controller. The reporting interval determines how oftenAdaptec Storage Manager sends the data to your contacts.Note: Typically, you enable statistics logging the first time you log in to Adaptec Storage Manager.If you haven’t enabled statistics logging, follow the instructions on page 123, then continue withthe instructions below.To set up statistics logging for a system:1 In the Enterprise View, select the system you want.