Adding Printers in UNIX/Linux80 AXIS 5500 / AXIS 5550 User’s ManualPrint Methods on TCP/IP NetworksThe AXIS 5500/AXIS 5550 supports several different print methods in theTCP/IP environment. axinstall will suggest a print method suitable foryour particular UNIX/Linux system, but you might want to use anothermethod depending on your printing requirements (banner pages, statuslogging, etc).The diagram below shows the alternative data paths taken by some of theUNIX/Linux print methods. This illustrates some of the advantages andlimitations of the different methods. Use the following information todetermine which method to adopt.Illustration of different UNIX/Linux print methodsLPD The Line Printer Daemon is a protocol for transferring print jobs betweenhosts. This is the recommended method for UNIX/Linux systems, butsome System V versions do not support LPD.Advantages:Easy to set up — install the AXIS 5500/AXIS 5550 as a remote queue inSystem V, or add a remote printer to /etc/printcap using the rm and rpfields (BSD).Limitations:Spooler features, and printcap or lpr options (BSD) such as multiplecopies, are not available.FTP The File Transfer Protocol is used for transferring files between hosts.Advantages:Uses industry standard network software on the host.Limitations:No printer status logging. In the case of BSD it may conflict with otherinput or output filters and does not allow both input and output filters. InSystem V no filters or interface programs can be used.File toPrintPrintSpoolerFilter/ModelParallel Port printerPrinterNamed PipePROS printdaemonDevicesDIRECTFTPRTELNETLPD FTPRTELNET PROS BPROS AAxis Network Print ServerInterfaceDirectlyconnected