AXIS M20 Bullet Camera SeriesLearn more1 Target bitrateAverage bitrate (ABR)With average bitrate, the bitrate is automatically adjusted over a longer period of time. This is so you can meet the specified targetand provide the best video quality based on your available storage. Bitrate is higher in scenes with a lot of activity, compared to staticscenes. You are more likely to get better image quality when in scenes with a lot of activity if you use the average bitrate option. Youcan define the total storage required to store the video stream for a specified amount of time (retention time) when image quality isadjusted to meet the specified target bitrate. Specify the average bitrate settings in one of the following ways:• To calculate the estimated storage need, set the target bitrate and the retention time.• To calculate the average bitrate, based on available storage and required retention time, use the target bitrate calculator.kbit/ss121 Target bitrate2 Actual average bitrateYou can also turn on maximum bitrate and specify a target bitrate within the average bitrate option.41