SEWING AN EMBROIDERY PATTERNEmbroidery2135f Repeat the same steps for embroidering theremaining colors.→ When the last color is sewn, “Finished sewing” willappear on the display. Press , and thedisplay will return to the original screen.Sewing Embroidery PatternsWhich Use AppliquéThere are some patterns which call for an appliquéinside the pattern. Prepare the base fabric and theappliqué fabric (appliqué piece).When sewing an embroidery pattern with anappliqué, the color sewing order display shows“APPLIQUE MATERIAL”, “APPLIQUE POSITION”,“APPLIQUE”, and then the sewing order of thecolors around the appliqué.a Attach an iron-on stabilizer to the wrongside of the appliqué material.a Appliqué material (cotton, felt, etc.)b Iron-on stabilizerb Place the appliqué material into theembroidery frame, and then press the“Start/Stop” button to sew the outline ofthe appliqué.a Outline of appliquéb Appliqué material→ The machine will sew around the outline of theappliqué pieces and will then stop.Memo• The Thread Trimming Function is originallyset to trim excess thread jumps (threadslinking parts of the pattern, etc.). Dependingon the type of thread and fabric that areused, an end of upper thread may remain onthe surface of the fabric at the beginning ofthe stitching. After embroidering is finished,cut off this excess thread.*If the setting has been turned off, trim theexcess thread jumps using scissors after thepattern is finished.See page 228 for information on the threadtrimming function.Memo• Depending on the thread color display set-ting, the display may show ,, or .Memo• The embroidery procedure is the same asthe basic procedure explained on page 212.