NoticeQuickSET Configuration GuideixSAFETY INFORMATIONCLASS 1 LASER TRANSCEIVERSTHE FE-100F3 FAST ETHERNET INTERFACE MODULE, FPIM-05 ANDFPIM-07 FDDI PORT INTERFACE MODULES, AND APIM-29 ATMPORT INTERFACE MODULE USE CLASS 1 LASER TRANSCEIVERS.READ THE FOLLOWING SAFETY INFORMATION BEFOREINSTALLING OR OPERATING THESE MODULES.The Class 1 laser transceivers use an optical feedback loop to maintain Class 1 operation limits. Thiscontrol loop eliminates the need for maintenance checks or adjustments. The output is factory set, anddoes not allow any user adjustment. Class 1 Laser transceivers comply with the following safetystandards:• 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (FDA).• IEC Publication 825 (International Electrotechnical Commission).• CENELEC EN 60825 (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization).When operating within their performance limitations, laser transceiver output meets the Class 1accessible emission limit of all three standards. Class 1 levels of laser radiation are not consideredhazardous.SAFETY INFORMATIONCLASS 1 LASER TRANSCEIVERSLASER RADIATION AND CONNECTORSWhen the connector is in place, all laser radiation remains within the fiber. The maximum amount ofradiant power exiting the fiber (under normal conditions) is -12.6 dBm or 55 x 10-6 watts.Removing the optical connector from the transceiver allows laser radiation to emit directly from theoptical port. The maximum radiance from the optical port (under worst case conditions) is0.8 W cm-2 or 8 x 103 W m2 sr-1.Do not use optical instruments to view the laser output. The use of optical instruments to viewlaser output increases eye hazard. When viewing the output optical port, power must beremoved from the network adapter.