Ethernet ConfigurationQuickSET Configuration Guide7System PasswordsThe System Passwords window shown in Figure 7 on the following page, displays after clickingon the Passwords button in the Ethernet 1 and 2 configuration window, or the HSIM Local IPAddress window. The system passwords used by QuickSET are the same as the Community Namesof the device that are used in Local Management through a TELNET application. Systempasswords allow you to control management access by establishing three passwords. Eachpassword controls a different level of access.Once passwords are assigned, you must use the SuperUser System password at the User Passwordprompt when initiating a QuickSET session. If you are configuring the device for the first time or ifno passwords are assigned, the default System password for each access level is presetto public.The following definitions explain the fields in the System Passwords window.Read Only Access — This access level allows reading of device parameters not includingsystem passwords. Place the cursor in this field and type the new system password. Retype thesystem password in the Confirm Password field below the Read Only Access field.Read/Write Access — This access level allows editing of some device configuration parametersnot including changing system passwords. Place the cursor in this field and type the new systempassword. Retype the system password in the Confirm Password field below the Read/WriteAccess field.QuickSET (SuperUser) — This access level allows full management privileges. Place the cursorin this field and type the new system password. Retype the system password in the ConfirmPassword field below the QuickSET (SuperUser) field.!CAUTIONIf you edit the SuperUser system password, record it for safekeeping. If you lose thispassword, you cannot perform management functions without returning the device to itsfactory default configuration. This effectively erases any configuration work you mayhave done.