1-14Introductionis recommended if you need to go back to the version ofsoftware that is currently being executed by the ELS10-26.3. Tell TFTP to transfer (“put”) the first file, (dnld_hdr).4. Wait one minute, or until the ELS10-26 sends the SNMP Trapdescribed in the swdis branch of SMC’s private MIB. (The Trapwill be sent when the ELS10-26 is ready for the second file,which will be somewhat shorter than three minutes.)5. Tell TFTP to transfer the second file, (dnld_software). Thistransfer should take approximately one minute.The initial one minute waiting may be omitted and this secondtransfer may be initiated immediately following the firsttransfer; however, that causes the second transfer to takeapproximately two minutes, and creates a slightly heaviernetwork load during the file transfer.Note: If the above TFTP sequence is abnormally terminated, there is nocause for alarm, since the ELS10-26 maintains a back-up set ofsoftware, and the ELS10-26 will not use the incomplete newsoftware.Older versions of software may be distributed to an ELS10-26,provided that the older software is at least Version 2.3. Todistribute the older software to an ELS10-26, the above TFTPprocedure should be altered, with the following step beingperformed before the older software is distributed.If the bulk retrieval of all of the parameters of the ELS10-26 hadbeen performed while the ELS10-26 was executing that oldersoftware, that retrieved file should be used to do a bulk set of allparameters (as described below). Otherwise, when the oldersoftware is distributed and the ELS10-26 reboots, the oldersoftware will not understand the format of the ELS10-26’sparameters. 2