Introduction1-21ELS10-26 > helpELS10-26 Local Console Managerhelp or ? this menustatus [PORT-RANGE] to display unit or port statusbaud [BAUD-RATE] to change the console baud rateexit or logout to logouterase to erase configuration informationindent to display unit identificationipaddr [PORT# IPADDR [MASK]] to set or display IP addressesaddresses display [any] [ADDR [MASK]] to display learned addressesbridge [PORT-RANGE [OPTIONS]] to set bridging methodsclearstats to clear all port statisticstrunk [PORT-RANGE [{on|off}]] to set or display trunking statusenable [PORT-RANGE [noRIP][TransmitPacing]] to enable a set of portsdisable [PORT-RANGE] to disable a set of portscommunity to change the password/community namesttimer [TIME-VALUE] to set or display st age timerworkgroup [NAME [delete|PORT-RANGE [INFO]]] to set or display workgroupsspeed [PORT-RANGE [{auto|10|100}]] to set or display speedduplex [PORT-RANGE [{auto|half|full}]] to set or display duplex modemirror [PORT# [{Rx|Tx|both|off}]] to set or display port mirroringtime [SystemTime (HHMMSS)] to set or display the system timedate [SystemDate (MMDDYY)] to set or display the system datereboot (SECONDS|off) to reboot the unit after secondsarp display to display arp table informationroute display to display routing table informationping [-rvsx] HOST [DATASIZE [count]] to send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST pktstraceroute [-m MAX_TTL] [-q NQUERIES][-w WAIT] HOST_IP [DATA_SIZE] to print the routepkts take to hosttraplog to display the most recent SNMP traps