Configuring Your ELS10-263-13• Perturbed — Trunking is enabled, and a good trunk connectionhas been established. However, the forwarding of data packetsis temporarily suspended to allow for a change in themembership of the Trunk Group.3.8 ENABLING PORT MONITORINGThe ELS10-26 allows you to monitor the 10BASE-T ports on theELS10-26 (you cannot monitor the 100BASE ports ). Themonitoring of network traffic is performed by the ELS10-26hardware, and the monitor image reflects the original packet. TheELS10-26 monitoring function maintains the original packetordering of bridging frames between the inbound and outboundinterfaces.Using the LCM or a NMS, you can monitor a port, and select tomonitor only packets received, only packets transmitted, orpackets both received and transmitted by a port (if the port isoperating in half duplex). In full duplex you can mirror eitherrecieved packet or transmitted packet (not both).To enable port monitoring on the ELS10-26:1. Connect a network analyzer to the port labeled MONX on theELS10-26.2. Using the LCM or NMS, select the port or range of ports youwant to monitor. Also select to monitor the received packets(Rx) or transmitted packets (Tx). If you do not select either thetransmit or recieve options, the ELS10-26 will monitor bothtypes of packets.For example, mirror 2 TxThis will turn on monitoring for packets transmitted on port 2.