LOCAL MANAGEMENTPage 6-9Editing the Community Name FieldThe password that you use to access Local Management at thePassword screen must have Super-User privileges for your edits totake effect. If you enter a password with Basic-Read, Read-Only, orRead-Write privileges, Local Management displays the message“AUTHORIZATION PROHIBITS ACCESS”, and does not includeediting capabilities.To edit the Community Name field:1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Community Name fieldadjacent to the access level of your choice.2. Enter the community name, up to 32 characters in length, into thefield.3. Press the Return key.4. Repeat steps 1-3 for editing any of the other community names.5. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command at the bottomof the screen, then press the Return key or F6. The “SAVED OK”message appears indicating that your edits have been saved tomemory.Please note that the first time you try to exit the screen withoutsaving your changes, you will get a “NOT SAVED?” message. Ifyou proceed to exit without saving, you will lose your edits.6. To exit the screen, press the appropriate Function key or use thearrow keys to highlight the RETURN command.7. Press the Return key. The Feature Selection screen appears.