LOCAL MANAGEMENTPage 6-11SubNet MaskDisplays the subnet mask for the SEHI. A subnet mask is a 32-bitquantity which “masks out” the network bits of the IP address. This isdone by setting the bits in the mask to 1 when the network treats thecorresponding bits in the IP address as part of the network orsubnetwork address, or to 0 if the corresponding bit identifies the host.MAC AddressDisplays the physical address associated with the interface.Default GatewayDisplays the default gateway for the SEHI. This field is not defineduntil you enter an appropriate value. The default gateway identifiesthe default gateway device that will forward packets to other IPsubnetworks.Serial Port ApplicationDisplays the port’s application setting as CONSOLE.Baud RateDisplays the Baud Rate setting of the device attached to the SEHIthrough the serial port. The setting for the serial port is 9600.Port Enable OverrideThis command lets you override the Disable Port settings in theDevice Statistics screen to enable all ports in the stack.Setting the IP AddressTo set the IP Address:1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the IP Address field.2. Enter the IP address into this field. The format for this entry isXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, with values for XXX being from 0 to 255. Thescreen beeps if you enter non-numerics or adjacent dots. If theentry does not have three dots it will be rejected.3. Press Return. The IP address appears and the natural subnetmask for the user is generated and appears also.