3-2Configuring Your SmartSTACK Ethernet ELS10-27• Assigning a community name3.1 ASSIGNING IP ADDRESSESYou can assign an IP that can be used for the the entire device. IPaddresses are divided into classes based on what portion of the address isnetwork or port information. The address classes are A, B, and C.• Class A addresses are used in very large networks that support manyports. The first byte identifies the network and the other three bytesidentify the node. The first byte of a class A address must be in therange 1-126. The address would identify node125.110.10 on network 100.• Class B addresses are used for medium sized networks. The first twobytes identify the network and the last two identify the node. The firstbyte of a class B address must be in the range 128-191. The address128.150.50.10 identifies node 50.10 on network 128.150.Class C addresses are used for small networks. The first three bytesidentify the network and the last byte identifies the port. The first byte ofa class C address must be in the range 192-223. The address node 10 on network IP Address ConfigurationSmartSTACK Ethernet ELS10-27 offers two basic methods to configurethe IP address for the device. These two methods are BOOTP and the userinterfaces. An IP address can also be learned by receiving an SNMPpacket from the network. This IP address will be used solely tocommunicate with the network manager host.Note: You can use the LCM erase command to erase all configurationinformation and return the unit to default settings on the next systemreset.If you are using a network management tool other than LCM, refer to itsaccompanying documentation.