Monitoring and Managing Your SmartSTACK Ethernet ELS10-274-5You are, when creating entries in these groups, under no obligation tomake sure they are in chronological order. However, to make the outputdisplay more readable they should be in chronological order. This means,when the entries for the groups are created or restored they should bemade into some type of linked list, so new entries can be placed wherethey are needed to make a more understandable or readable output.Whenever a request to create or modify a group entry is accepted, a tenminute timer will be set. If the entry is not completely updated (status setto VALID) when the timer goes off, the group entry is flushed. As soon asthe entry is validated and the status set to VALID, the above set timer iscanceled. This step is done to ensure that memory and nonvolatilememory do not get filled with entries that cannot be used.Modifying Any Group EntryEntries in the above mentioned groups cannot be modified (even if theaccess is read/write) unless the status is set to something other thanVALID. This means you must go through a three step process to modify agroup entry.1. Send a set command to set the status of a given group entry toUNDER_CREATION.2. Send set commands to modify all other needed values in this entry.3. Send a set command to change the status of the given entry back toVALID.When a set status to VALID request is received, the message must bechecked for other set requests for this group entry. If any are found, theymust be processed before the set status to VALID request or they will bereturned as an error. This must be done because it cannot be guaranteedthat the set status to VALID command will be the last command in themessage. It is possible for it to come first followed by all other requests.When the set status to VALID request is being processed the entire groupentry must be validated and appropriate action taken to return an error orsuccess. If an error is found the error_status field should be set toBAD_VALUE and the error_index field should be set to point to the firstoffending entry. If no error is found the status of the entry is set to VALID,the clean up timer is canceled, and the group entry is stored innonvolatile memory.