Luggage CarrierIf you have the luggage carrier, you can loadthings on top of your vehicle.The luggage carrier has siderails attached to theroof and crossrails, if equipped, which can bemoved back and forth to help secure cargo.To adjust, turn the knob located at each end ofthe crossrail counter clockwise until the crossrailcan move freely. To secure the crossrail, turnthe knob located at the end of the crossrailclockwise until tightened. Tie the load to thesiderails or siderail supports.Notice: Loading cargo on the luggage carrierthat weighs more than 200 lbs (91 kg) or hangsover the rear or sides of the vehicle maydamage your vehicle. Load cargo so that it restsas far forward as possible and against the siderails, making sure to fasten it securely.Do not exceed the maximum vehicle capacitywhen loading your vehicle. For more informationon vehicle capacity and loading, see LoadingYour Vehicle on page 366.To prevent damage or loss of cargo as youare leaving, check now and then to make surethe luggage and cargo are still securely fastened.Be sure the cargo is properly loaded.• If small heavy objects are placed on the roof,place the load in the area over the rear wheels(behind the rear side door on extendedmodels). If you need to, cut a piece of 3/8 inchplywood to fit inside the crossrails and siderailsto spread the load. If plywood is used, tie it tothe siderail supports.• Tie the load to the crossrails or the siderailsupports. Use the crossrails only to keep theload from sliding. To move the crossrails, pullout on the latch release handle at each end.Slide the crossrail to the desired positionbalancing the force side to side. Push therelease handle back into the latched positionand slide the crossrail back and forth slightly tobe sure the latch snaps securely into place.• If you need to carry long items, move thecrossrails as far apart as they will go. Tie theload to the crossrails and the siderails orsiderail supports. Also tie the load to thebumpers. Do not tie the load so tightly thatthe crossrails or siderails are damaged.• After moving a crossrail, be sure it is securelylocked into the siderail.172