DIC Warnings and MessagesMessages are displayed on the DIC to notify thedriver that the status of the vehicle has changedand that some action may be needed by the driverto correct the condition. Multiple messages mayappear one after another.Some messages may not require immediateaction, but you can press any of the DIC buttonson the instrument panel to acknowledge thatyou received the messages and to clear themfrom the display.Some messages cannot be cleared from theDIC display because they are more urgent.These messages require action before theycan be cleared. You should take any messagesthat appear on the display seriously and rememberthat clearing the messages will only make themessages disappear, not correct the problem.The following are the possible messages that canbe displayed and some information about them.CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONThis message will display when the engine oilneeds to be changed. When you change theengine oil, be sure to reset the CHANGE ENGINEOIL SOON message. See Engine Oil LifeSystem on page 406 for information on how toreset the message. This message will clear itselfafter 10 seconds until the next ignition cycleor until the message is reset. See Engine Oilon page 403 and Scheduled Maintenanceon page 517 for more information.CHECK TIRE PRESSUREIf your vehicle has a Tire Pressure Monitor (TPM)system, this message will display when thepressure in one or more of the vehicle’s tires needto be checked. This message will also displayLEFT FRONT, RIGHT FRONT, LEFT REAR,or RIGHT REAR to indicate which tire needsto be checked. You can receive more thanone tire pressure message at a time. To readthe other messages that may have been sentat the same time, press the set/reset button.245