Q: If I am a good driver, and I never drivefar from home, why should I wearsafety belts?A: You may be an excellent driver, but if you arein an accident — even one that is not yourfault — you and your passengers can be hurt.Being a good driver does not protect youfrom things beyond your control, such asbad drivers.Most accidents occur within 25 miles (40 km)of home. And the greatest number ofserious injuries and deaths occur at speedsof less than 40 mph (65 km/h).Safety belts are for everyone.How to Wear Safety Belts ProperlyThis part is only for people of adult size.Be aware that there are special things to knowabout safety belts and children. And there aredifferent rules for smaller children and babies.If a child will be riding in your vehicle, see OlderChildren on page 60 or Infants and Young Childrenon page 63. Follow those rules for everyone’sprotection.First, you will want to know which restraintsystems your vehicle has.We will start with the driver position.Driver PositionLap-Shoulder BeltThe driver has a lap-shoulder belt. Here is howto wear it properly.1. Close and lock the door.2. Adjust the seat so you can sit up straight.To see how, see “Seats” in the Index.43