Example of Eight Dip Switches with Three PositionsThe panel of switches might not appear exactly asthey do in the examples above, but they should besimilar.The switch positions on the hand-held transmittercould be labeled, as follows:. A switch in the up position could be labeled as“Up,” “+,” or “On.”. A switch in the down position could be labeledas “Down,” “−,” or “Off.”. A switch in the middle position could be labeledas “Middle,” “0,” or “Neutral.”2. Write down the eight to 12 switch settings from leftto right as follows:. When a switch is in the up position, write “Left.”. When a switch is in the down position, write“Right.”. If a switch is set between the up and downposition, write “Middle.”The switch settings written down in Step 2 nowbecome the button strokes to be entered intothe Universal Home Remote in Step 4. Be sureto enter the switch settings written down inStep 2, in order from left to right, into theUniversal Home Remote, when completingStep 4.3. From inside your vehicle, first firmly press all threebuttons at the same time for about three seconds.Release the buttons to put the Universal HomeRemote into programming mode.3-53InformationProvidedby: