Black plate (6,1)Cadillac Escalade EXT Owner Manual - 20115-6 Instruments and ControlsCompass variance is the differencebetween the earth's magnetic northand true geographic north. If thecompass is not set to the zonewhere you live, the compass maygive false readings. The compassmust be set to the variance zone inwhich the vehicle is traveling.To adjust for compass variance, usethe following procedure:Compass Variance (Zone)Procedure1. Do not set the compass zonewhen the vehicle is moving. Onlyset it when the vehicle is inP (Park).Press the vehicle informationbutton until PRESS V TOCHANGE COMPASS ZONEdisplays.2. Find the vehicle's currentlocation and variance zonenumber on the map.Zones 1 through 15 areavailable.3. Press the set/reset button toscroll through and select theappropriate variance zone.4. Press the trip/fuel buttonuntil the vehicle heading, forexample, N for North, isdisplayed in the DIC.5. If calibration is necessary,calibrate the compass. See“Compass CalibrationProcedure” following.Compass CalibrationThe compass can be manuallycalibrated. Only calibrate thecompass in a magnetically cleanand safe location, such as an openparking lot, where driving thevehicle in circles is not a danger.It is suggested to calibrate awayfrom tall buildings, utility wires,manhole covers, or other industrialstructures, if possible.If CAL should ever appear in theDIC display, the compass should becalibrated.If the DIC display does not show aheading, for example, N for North,or the heading does not changeafter making turns, there may be astrong magnetic field interfering withthe compass. Such interferencemay be caused by a magnetic CBor cell phone antenna mount, amagnetic emergency light, magneticOfrecido por