Black plate (60,1)Cadillac Escalade EXT Owner Manual - 20117-60 Infotainment SystemRoute Guidance Not ActiveIf an OnStar destination isdownloaded while route guidance isnot active, the navigation systemdisplays an OnStar DestinationDownload Screen and operationswill continue as outlined in theUsing OnStar Destination Downloadsection:Route Guidance ActiveIf OnStar downloads a destinationwhile route guidance is alreadyactive, the navigation system addsthe downloaded destination as thenext waypoint in the existing route.All features such as Call and Add toAddress Book will be available forthe waypoint. Refer to the sectionon Waypoints for more information.Previous DestinationsPrevious OnStar DestinationDownloads are saved underPrevious Destinations in thenavigation system where theycan be accessed or saved to theaddress book.Important Notes regarding OnStarDestination Download:. If the navigation system isturned off when the destinationdownload is attempted, thenavigation system willautomatically turn on anddisplay the OnStar DestinationDownload Screen. The radio willremain on after the downloadoccurs.. If OnStar downloads adestination and the addressis not found in the mappingdisc’s database and routing bycoordinates is not available, theGo and Map buttons gray outand routing will not be available.Press the blue OnStar button forfurther assistance.. The Call button grays out whenthere is no phone numberavailable for your destinationand while connected to OnStar.Map Destination Screen FunctionsIf the map screen is used to showdestination, it will have map screencapabilities such as GO, Mark,Zoom, Scroll, etc. The address isshown at the top of the screen.Destination Map ScreenOfrecido por